We do look forward to these talks and Jane’s unusual presentations stimulate our interest in an entirely new way. The "Pets In Art" was so enjoyable and the recent Mother's Day talk on "Mother & Child" was lovely, sensitive and so informative. We watch these talks with our friends and that particular talk left us with much more to talk about for another half hour.
Thank you for arranging and running these excellent zoom talks.
– H.P. in Bedford (July, 2023)

Tewksbury Public Library -
Presentation of American Art 1 - 1776-1900 on March 30, 2023
Did this event meet your expectations?
If no, why not?
27 responses / 96.3%
Yes 26, No 1
1 no response
Although I thought the information presented was good I had difficulty getting past her dramatic and highly emotional style.
27 Yes responses
Do you have a message you'd like me to pass along to Jane (the presenter)? If so, please type below:
Looking forward to the next presentation - excellent and engaging!
I always find your presentations interesting and educational.
I love your style! Your presentation was most informative and entertaining.
Jane, your personality is a bonus to your presentation…Thank you
I thoroughly enjoyed your narrative. It provided me with a better understanding of the development of American art as the country was developing.
interesting as usual
Very enjoyable!
Great job with an interesting and engaging Wonderful presentation
Thank you very much for this interesting program
Looking forward to more of your informative programs!
Jane thank you for your enthusiastic and knowledgeable presentation.
Bravo! I'm looking forward to the next two presentations.
Excellent presentation
Great program, as always. Thanks.
Thank you
She obviously loves her subject matter and brought that enthusiasm to us
Jane was very knowledgable, did a great job, and I am looking forward to her next two webinars on American Art.
Jane, you are one of my very favorite presenters with your engaging style, wonderful sense of humor, and deep passion for art. This was a fabulous program and so entertaining and informative. Loved every minute. Thank you so much!!!
Thanks again,
Robert L. Hayes
Community Outreach Librarian & Head of Technical Services
Tewksbury Public Library
ArtMatters has been coming to the Jenks Senior Center in Winchester for many years and has never repeated a program. Their audiences are always enthusiastic because of [the presenter’s] lively presentations and the fact that the artist’s work is on display during the whole program and available for a close-up look at the end of the program. Everyone loves ArtMatters and Jane Blair especially. We learn about each artist, their life as well as their work. We look forward eagerly to ArtMatters’ next visit!
Connie Stolow, Winchester Seniors Association

"We have been hosting ArtMatters presentations regularly at the Acton Council on Aging/Senior Center for many years. The subject matter, the use of high quality prints and the knowledge and enthusiasm of the presenters combine for a wonderful, feel-good experience for our seniors. Sometimes learning about art can be a bit intimidating for people, but the ArtMatters staff make it so accessible, interesting, and entertaining, so that people truly enjoy learning something new or revisiting something from the past. I’ve heard many times when we are on a group outing to an art museum: ‘Oh, I learned about that painting/artist from ArtMatters!’ It makes people feel really great!"
Chris Chirokas, Program Coordinator, Acton Council on Aging
"I have been saying to myself for several years, 'Wow, that program looks really interesting.' Several weeks ago, I decided to jump at the opportunity to attend the first of three lectures in the ArtMatters series offered jointly by the Friends of the Gleason Public Library and the Friends of the Council on Aging, and I am so glad I did. Jane Blair's lecture on Impressionism was excellent. Jane has a wonderful ability to bring artists and art to life and do so in such a way that she really engages the audience, in part thanks to a nice sense of humor that keeps you smiling. I wasn't sure whether I would attend the next two sessions, but my calendar is open and I will be there, along with the other 90 or so people who attended last week."
Jim Saltonstall, North Road, Carlisle

"I have come to look forward to the presentations and discussions offered by the enthusiastic and knowledgeable educators who comprise ArtMatters. The audience is always engaged in sharing observations and information in a ‘give and take’ interaction. These presentations offered by the folks of ArtMatters have opened my eyes and made me more appreciative of art."
Judity Munroe, Acton Council on Aging,
article published in the Acton Beacon
I can justify the price because of the consistent quality, the unique product that it is, and for the value of an art education class right within our own home! It is a program that draws a very large and much anticipated crowd at our residence which is not always easy to do.
Cheryl Young, Rivercourt Residences

The crowd you got for the art lecture last week was amazing! I counted 150 people. Nick had to keep bringing out more chairs and I have no idea where all those people parked. Thanks for all you do to create such a wonderful education program!
Erica Drazen,
Chair of the Board of the Winchester Seniors Association
Our residents look forward to your monthly visit with us, along with the always charming monthly gallery of art you provide. It is a learning experience for all- even the well-established resident painters we have here at The Commons! Thank you for making art so enjoyable!
Annie MacIntyre, Program Director at the Commons in Lincoln

I hold the presenter’s voice in my head every time I visit a museum!
Phyllis Brooks,
Friends of the Cary Lexington Memorial Library